June 27, 2010

Hari ini dalam sejarah

Rock n Roll


Lo siento yo no siqnifiqué a

here your rock n roll, its been stuck in the plastic bag for quite a long time
mata aku mcm nak expired dah tgk bnda nih jadik aku makannn..
but, i've got another one (green).

June 26, 2010

rebellious #2

to whom it may concern,

eija taknak bleh?

mesti laa takbleh.
ko sape nak bersuara. igt! ko last n kecik sampai bebile ko tetap last n kecik.

June 20, 2010

batch 8

astro 8

ms maliza, ms arina, nadia

graduation day

wif ms maliza on our last day in scicom

June 15, 2010

petanda or dugaan?

aku: camne keje? dah dpt irate customer ke? hehehe
dia: ko tak keje lagi enh? takpe2..once dah keje nnti ko tau laa camne

(tiba2 seram bace msg tuh)

aku: tak. aku tak keje lagi..still training nih. ko camne? ok tak?
dia: aku dah resign laa..skg kat maybank lak.

(btambah seram disitu yeaa)

aku: huhh?! bile ko resign? nape ko resign?
dia: aku resign bulan 5 arituh. dpt better offer so aku pegi je laa. gudluck enh!

(btambah seriau)

setahu aku die start keje bulan march and resign on may.

die - tolak ni dapat tu
aku - tolak tu dapat ni..... apekah?

kuatkan saraf otakku.
kukuhkan sumsum tulangku
gagahkan sistem kekebalanku (immune system)

June 12, 2010

become conscious

something happened
it makes me realize one thing
the thing that I've been looking for
today I've got the answer
even though it was quite annoying and embarassing (yeke?not really lah)
but still
it makes me realize something laa
which is good lah

So the answer is NO
solution? revolutionize.
that's it.

p/s: mudah utk berkata-kata.hahahha

June 11, 2010

kayak dan ceritanya

Mmg best tgk org berkayak. penah try? best woo!
kau tau tak sakit tangan? kau paham bahase tak kalau ekspresi muke aku ckp lengan aku lenguh? kau prasan tak aku dah mcm kurang tenaga? kau terfikir tak kepala luhttuut aku menggeletor?

mesti la ko tak prasan n tak paham n tak terfikir!!
sbb ko bersuke ria di tepi pantai. ko bleh nampak aku senyum dan melambai dgn riangnyee jek.
tak bleh gak nak salahkn kau kn?sbb aku tak penah nak cite kat kau..tapi tak kan laa sebesar kuman pun ko takbleh nak fikir situasi aku dalam kayak hebat tuh?!

haiiyaaa...c'mon lah.

ko dah tau aku tak layak nak kayak, ko dah prasan dah aku tak reti nak gune pendayung tuh.
kenape ko takbleh nak bg 'direction' kat aku ar?

aku dah terkapai2 kat tengah laut tuh baru laa ko nak bg 'direction' tuh..
tahukah engkau..ianye sudah terlambat.
opps! mesti laa taktau..sbb tuh laa kau bgtau jugak.

ok lah.
aku tau roti bakar dah terlebih bakar, tp jgn laa ko tambah kehangusan dan kepahitan roti tuh, tlg kasi sedap ar sikit. letak susu ke blueberry jem ke..enh?

p/s: Ms.Escort Mascot, your kindness is highly appreciated =)

June 6, 2010


One week left before we go to Capsquare for the system training. Hopefully this coming week will be tremendously blissful, eventhough we have to move back to the Stamford, which is I believe everybody doesn't want to. (mcm incomplete sentence.mls nak betulkan.biarlah)


1. graduation day
2. charity event
3. newspaper


i noticed sumthing 'awkward' 'weird' situation occured.
if YOU come out with that perceptions, go ahead.

dont influence others into your unfair perceptions.

p/s: sumtimes it is quite hard to deal with people who do not want to accept the fact of give and take in life.