August 13, 2012


Dear Clueless,

First, I'm the one who supposed to ignore you or maybe merajuk or need some space to think and consider the consequences bla blabla. But surprisingly you're the one who did. 

Recently, I felt like being controlled. Why? 
But actually it's not recently happen but it was like from the beginning. "Whoaa..I didn't expect you manage to went through this, aiza"

anda sepatutnya memberi semangat dan dorongan terutamanya perkara yg melibatkan kekurangan orang lain, bukannya menindas dengan perlian atau gurauan yg melampau. Mengawal situasi atau perkara biar pada tempatnya, jangan terlalu gila kuasa. Walhal situasi yang dikawal tidak menglibatkan atau merugikan anda secara langsung atau tidak langsung.

If you have intention to take control and treat me like a puppet, just forget it and let me go! 

depressed partner


Cinderella said...

tuh perkare bese aiza..aku pon mcm ko can i went through dis???tp tuh la die dugaan bile kt da trlalu selesa dgn 1-1 keadaan, kt x nmpk rupenye dorg perhatikn kekurangan kte dr sisi yg kte x nmpk.pastu treat us like we're 100% theirs.huhu.ssh nk paham tp tu realiti.

Ratu said...
